Profit Margin Percentage per unit sold |
Profit range per unit per sale. |
Market size. |
PikiMkononiTracking system: Ø Installed in motorbikes and Tuk-Tuks. |
90% - 200% |
From 2,000/= to 4,500/= |
2,000,000 motorbikes |
Public Service vehicles: Ø Installed in Matatus. |
87% - 340% |
From 3,000/= to 9,100/= |
400,000 matatus |
Personal Vehicles (saloons, pick-ups, SUVs). Ø Personal vehicle owners. Ø Taxi and Tour Firms vehicles. Ø Security firms vehicles. Ø Transport companies’ vehicles. |
88% - 440% |
From 8,400/= to 14,000/= |
6 million vehicles. |
Lorries, Graders. |
88% - 440% |
From 8,500/= to 18,000/= |
2 million. |
Monthly price | RESELLER PRODUCT ONE: Pikimotoni tracking system |
Mobile App |
✔ Has a mobile application installed on motorbike owner’s phone showing real-time locations of the motorbike anytime, number of trips made. |
× No mobile application. |
Switching off a stolen motorbike. |
✔ Possible |
× Possible |
Ability to know the Number of Trips on the phone |
✔ Monitoring number of trips gone per day, anywhere it was parked, for how long it was parked all from the mobile application in your phone. |
Interference notification |
✔ Notifies owner any time someone tries to interfere with the device. |
× Not possible |
Geographically Fence an area |
✔ motobike owner can surround an area or town, anytime the motorbike enters or leaves the area, the owner receives a notification. |
× Not possible |
Digital Alarm |
✔ Your car calls you any time someone tries to interfere, break in or steal anything from the vehicle when it is parked. |
× |
Protection of the car while parked/at Night. |
✔ Vehicle owner can use their mobile phone to switch off their vehicle once it is parked; no one can ignite it at the parking lot without the owner authorizing from their phone. |
× |
RESELLER PRODUCT TWO: Garimkononi tracking system | OTHER PRODUCTS: |
Mobile App |
✔ Has a mobile application installed on motorbike owner’s phone showing real-time locations of the motorbike anytime, number of trips made. |
× No mobile application. |
Switching off a stolen motorbike. |
✔ Possible |
× Possible |
Ability to know the Number of Trips on the phone |
✔ Monitoring number of trips gone per day, anywhere it was parked, for how long it was parked all from the mobile application in your phone. |
Interference notification |
✔ Notifies owner any time someone tries to interfere with the device. |
× Not possible |
Geographically Fence an area |
✔ motobike owner can surround an area or town, anytime the motorbike enters or leaves the area, the owner receives a notification. |
× Not possible |
Digital Alarm |
✔ Your car calls you any time someone tries to interfere, break in or steal anything from the vehicle when it is parked. |
× |
Protection of the car while parked/at Night. |
✔ Vehicle owner can use their mobile phone to switch off their vehicle once it is parked; no one can ignite it at the parking lot without the owner authorizing from their phone. |
× |
Vehicle Tracking System
(Gari Mkononi)
1. Private Vehicle Owners.
2. Public Service Vehicles (Matatus).
3. Matatu Saccos
4. Transport and Logistics Companies vehicles eg Lorries and Pick Ups.
5. Car Hire and Taxi Vehicles.
6. Tour Firm vehicles.
7. Security Firm vehicles.
8. County Government vehicles.
9. Non-governmental vehicles (NGO Vehicles).
10. Vehicles in showrooms and motor exhibitions.
Motor Cycle Tracking System
(Piki Mkononi)
1. Motorbikes.
2. TukTuk and TukTuk dealers/suppliers
3. Motorbike Spare-part dealers.
4. Motorbike Suppliers
5. Motorbike Saccos
6. Companies using motorbikes for transport and deliveries
7. TukTuk Spare-part dealers.